Existing Leagues at Hickory Valley to Join!
- Looking to join Hickory Valley’s new Monday Night golf league? Call us now!
*For more information on how to join a league, please contact us at the pro shop at 610-754-7733*
Get Involved in a Golf League
Hickory Valley offers the perfect setting for handling your golf league. We offer league play Monday through Thursday from 3:00pm to 6:00pm. Each league rotates through all 36-holes every four weeks. With four 9-hole courses, weekly play is always fresh and challenging, never boring.
Playing in a league at Hickory Valley is the best way to enjoy the game of golf, improve your golf skills and meet new friends. After your round, stop in and enjoy socializing and relaxing with your group in our clubhouse or outside patio. Great food, cold drinks, nightly specials and terrific service await you!